The Fair & Progressive Employment Index

The Fair & Progressive Employment Index (FPEIndex) measures the extent to which organisations believe in the value of leveraging individual differences to reap important benefits for both the business and the employee. This includes recruiting employees fairly based on merit and job fit, offering them equal opportunities for growth and development, and creating a supportive work environment where they are engaged and appreciated.

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Creating a Fair & Progressive Organizational Culture

Have you consistently leveraged on these elements to create an inclusive workplace?

1. The Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP) Module

The Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices, sets out fair employment practices for adoption by employers. This will not only help prevent discrimination at the workplace, but also encourage employers to adopt progressive HR practices that will benefit both employers and employees.

Employers are expected to abide by the principles of fair employment and adopt the recommended good practices.

2. Leadership Module

Leaders are at the forefront of any organisational culture change effort. What leaders say and do send powerful signals throughout the organisation about what is valued and expected. Through focused leadership efforts such as prioritising diversity and inclusion, allocating resources to such efforts, regularly measuring and reviewing these efforts, and modelling the expected values, leaders can shape the right attitudes and behaviours for a fair and progressive organisation.

3. Systems Module

Leadership by itself is not enough to create a strong culture; an aligned framework of processes, structures and systems are needed to support and reinforce the desired culture. Human resource functions such as manpower planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, performance appraisal, and employee relations need to be designed to ensure fairness and meritocracy.

4. Communication Module

In addition to leadership and infrastructure, one more element is needed to bring an organisation’s culture to life – communication. They serve as reminders of what the organisation represents or aspires to become. Published or orally handed down stories and statements clarify values where policies and procedures leave off. Communication activities foster a sense of inclusion and trust, while visual elements remind us of the identity and values the organisation believes in.

The Learning Journey

Assess Your Organization

Create a free corporate account and access the modular organization survey.
Embark on one of the 4 modules quick and easy modules and begin your learning journey.
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Get a Reality Check

(Optional) Do your actions translate into employee perceptions of what counts?
Find out what your employees think through the Employee Climate module
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Find Out Where You Are

Are you reaping the business benefits of a fair and progressive workplace?
Find out how you fare compared to other organizations.
Preview a sample report

Ask Yourself the Tough Questions

What is holding me back from having a fair and progressive workplace?
What can I do better? Reflect on your results through our analysis and questions.
Preview a sample reflection

Take the Next Steps

Explore our recommendations on what you can do to strengthen your organization culture.
Create small wins, develop new habits and change your culture.
Preview a sample recommendation

Let the journey begin

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TGFEP Module Developed in Collaboration with